Hi there,
It's me Pratsie here again! The title was not very clear, was it? Well, I'm going to be "writing" about the 'art part' of me. To me, art is everything, right from drawing a straight line, to making a miraculous masterpiece and basically everything in between. I consider baking an art as much as I consider drawing an art. Funny how I bought up baking. We have been in lockdown for 5 weeks now and really, it is getting annoying rather that upsetting or sad, but if I'm being honest, one of the things that is keeping me alive apart from my friends, family and schoolwork is drawing and baking. I have been baking like a lunatic recently, my parents are all like, stop baking its too much sugar, unhealthy, Blah, Blah, Blah!! but hey, consider my plight, how on earth am I supposed to keep myself occupied?!?! At school they aren't even giving us solid work. It's BO-RING.
That aside, let's talk art. Here is a pic of a cake that I made!! #MyBakingExperince

What can I say, I'm NATURALLY TALENTED🤣🤣🤣
Just kidding guys, me and my mom made this cake together. It was the first time we used fondant. I was really proud of myself.
Baking is not just one of my hobbies, its a stress buster as well as a passion. You probably already know that I want to become a scientist, but there is no rule that you can't be passionate about two things at once. Plus - baking is actually science, many people overlook that one small detail. Now like I said before, to me art is everything, and that includes drawings. Now if you are like my best friend here (U kno who u r😉) you probably don't appreciate art or pencil sketching, many people do love it, and I am one of them. I love pencil sketching and to be honest, I think I am quite good at it.
Let's (Hopefully) save that to the next post shall we?
I am a vegetarian and my mom insists in not using egg in our baking. So every time I try to search for something, I have to specifically search for eggless cakes or cupcakes or brownies or- you get the idea. Still, my parents relish every single cake I make. You gotta love them for that you know? #LoveMyParents. One thing I hate about my self (even my mom agrees with me on this one) I never FULLY clean up after I finish my cakes. I leave a trail behind called 'Pratsie baked here'. Like I said in my first post, I AM NOT ORGANISED, but my mom - #DefinitionofOrganised. Annoying, but it is her kitchen (as she claims it), you have to respect it.
As a person who loves quotes, here is one for you :
"The EARTH without ART is just EH" I loved that one as soon as I read it! Everything is colourful and bright with art. Check out this Magnificent piece of art! It is Für Elise by beethoven performed by Lang Lang, now that is what I call real art 😉😉 That is it for today's post, stay tuned!!👋🤟👋👐🤲(Ok, I'll stop now😁😁)
K' guys,
Signing out'
when your parents book tickets to India, we are all hiding (or selling off) the ovens we have here 😂